Welcome to Explore

Explore is the first part of the Grow Circle journey. You might be here because you’re interested in exploring faith and a relationship with God for the very first time, or you might have been on the journey for a while, but want to explore new a new dimension or call in following Jesus.

At St Paul’s, exploring looks like finding spaces to question, wonder and try out new things or ideas. Here’s what we have going on and how to get involved:


Alpha is the perfect space to explore your questions about Christianity and faith in a relaxed, friendly environment.

We have just finished our recent course, but are always keen to plan in future courses. If you’re interested in finding out more, contact us below.


Our Sunday morning gatherings are a great place to come and discover more about what Christians believe and experience something of what faith in community looks like.

Everyone is welcome, no matter what you think about this ‘faith stuff’. We meet at 10:30am every Sunday to sing songs, pray and hear from the Bible.

Explore The Bible

Exploring the Bible helps us at every stage of our faith journey. Below, we’ve linked some resources out there to help you unpack the Bible for yourself. Whether you’ve never read a page of it before or you’ve been exploring it for years, there’s always more to discover.