Welcome to Share

Share is the fourth part of the Grow Circle journey. You’re probably here because you feel a call to use your gifts to lead others in their discipleship, or you want to be more missional in your daily discipleship.

At St Paul’s, sharing looks like inviting, inspiring and leading others to Jesus. Here’s what we have going on and how to get involved:

Local Mission

We want to see God working in our local area. If you feel that God is calling you to join in, we’d love to chat more!

Maybe you feel that God is giving you a vision to start something new in our area. If you have an idea stirring, we might have the resources to help get it going. Get in touch to have a chat with Roger.


One of the most powerful things we can share is an invitation.

It might be asking a colleague if they’re interested in Alpha, inviting a friend to join you at a Sunday morning gathering, or pointing a fellow parent in the direction of St Paul’s Toddlers on Wednesday mornings.

Who could you invite this week?


There are lots of different ways to lead at St Paul’s. We are all leaders in the different spheres to which God has called us, but you may be feeling a particular call to explore leading in our church life.

If this is you, get in touch to arrange a coffee with Roger to chat about what the next steps might look like for you.

Mission Trips

Short-term Mission Trips can be a great opportunity to step out in faith.

Over the years, we have gone on mission trips to different parts of the world, sometimes visiting our mission partners and sometimes connecting with new places.

Get in touch with us if you’re interested in going on a mission trip soon.